Keep Backyard Ticks Away With These Simple Tips

Tick ControlTicks can be scary because of the Lyme disease they can transmit into your system. Without proper treatment, Lyme disease can cause anything from memory problems to acid reflux. To reduce your chances of obtaining this horrid disease, it is wise to protect your yard from backyard ticks. Keeping ticks out of your yard involves following a few simple steps.


The first way to rid your yard of ticks is to mow and edge it. Ticks tend to hang out on the edge making the cleanup part of mowing your lawn just as critical as the actual mowing. Composting the grass clippings and leaves and using the soil in your garden is a viable option. Grass clippings can also serve as mulch once they dry.


Another way to eliminate the threat of backyard ticks is to be conscious of your woodpiles. Ticks like to hide in messy woodpiles. Keeping the piles neat and in areas that are prone to sunlight will help keep the ticks away. They are drawn to moist areas, making the shade an ideal spot for them to reside.


An additional alternative is to use a chemical known to repel ticks. However, a lot of these repellants can harm both people and the environment. It is not wise to spray these chemicals all over your yard. Since this option is not environmentally friendly, you can consider purchasing an animal that eats ticks. Chickens, for example, will eat ticks on your property which will drastically reduce your chances of getting a disease from these unwelcomed critters.


Unfortunately, backyard ticks are a common occurrence for us here in Connecticut. However by following any of the above steps, you will have made your backyard a little safer for your family and pets. If you are concerned about ticks in your yard, please give us a call at Greenskeeper. In addition to our lawn care programs, we also have pest control options that can help to alleviate backyard ticks. To learn more about our pest control services give us a call today or click here for a free quote!