How Lawn Aeration Can Improve Your Landscape

Green LawnA luscious green lawn is highly desirable and often times difficult to achieve. While many homeowners incorporate seeding, watering and fertilizing into their seasonal landscaping routine, many forget about the benefits of lawn aeration. Lawn aeration is one of the best ways to establish a fertile environment for seeds to sprout and roots to grow.


Before we jump into the importance of lawn aeration, it’s essential to understand what aeration is and how it affects your landscape. There are several different aeration methods, but they each achieve the same goal: penetrating the surface of the lawn and breaking it up so that oxygen, water and other nutrients are allowed to reach down deeper to the roots.


As your landscape relaxes during the cold winter months, the top of the soil can become hard and solid, limiting the ability of essential vitamins and nutrients to nourish the roots of the grass. When the crusty surface is cracked and separated during the aeration process, access is granted down to the roots of the grass. Seeds are also given passage into the rich soil so that new plants can grow. For these reasons, aerating soil is one of the best things you can do for the health and beauty of your landscaping.


Some of the different aeration methods include removing a plug from the grass to create an opening for water and nutrients or simply poking holes into the soil. Depending on your landscape our professionals can recommend the best lawn aeration method for your yard.


Keep in mind that lawn aeration is one of the easiest ways to maintain the health and beauty of your yard and treatments are most effective if done each spring and fall. To help your lawn achieve that thick green appearance give us a call today or click here for a quote.